The 5th Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability
(EDaSS 2015)
University of A Coruna
October 20-21, 2016
The 5th Conference on Economic Development and Social Sustainability (EDaSS 2016) is an International Virtual Conference organized by the Department of Economic Analysis and Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, University of A Coruna, Spain. The conference will be held online at the address EDaSS 2016 is a great opportunity to share ideas together and to discuss social and economic problems arising from globalization, especially those that result in inequality situations.
The conference consists of virtual scientific sessions, with symposiums on topics presented. The main objective is to provide a meeting point where experts in different areas can share information on topics of special relevance.
The EDaSS organizing committee do the best to prepare high quality workshop, to be recognized among all researchers.
All abstracts submitted will be peer reviewed and published in the proceedings book (with ISSN).

Relevant information
Abstract Submission: From April 27, 2016 to August 5, 2016. Abstracts will be accepted in the English, Spanish or Portuguese languages.
Author Notification about Acceptance of the Abstract: September 15, 2016.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings: EDaSS Proceedings (ISSN: 2340-3640).
Papers contribution and Registration Deadline: September 30, 2016.
EDaSS 2016: October, 20-21, 2016.
Selected works, will be considered for publication (after their adaptation to submission norms of each journal) in these journals:
The authors are committed to adapt the full papers to the requirements of the selected journal, including language.